Current Projects

This page includes awards made during the current NNLM award period (May 1, 2021 - April 30, 2026).

On this Page
Project Title Lead Organization Project Summary Project Start Date Project End Date State
Supplemental Collection Equity Award North Bend Public Library The Library will purchase materials for the Young Adult collection. This collection was recently weeded for age, condition, and interest and needs a refresh. We intend to purchase fiction and… Oregon
Supplemental Collection Equity Award San Bruno Public Library We would purchase electronic and/or physical books and audiobooks on health topics in both fiction and nonfiction and make them available to the public as part of the library’s collection. These materials… California
Supplemental Collection Equity Award Springfield Public Library Our initial award went to the Adult Non-fiction collections in both Spanish and English and… Oregon
Supplemental Collection Equity Award University of Alaska Anchorage Medical Library The Collection Equity… Alaska
Supplemental Collection Equity Award University of Southern California - Norris Medical Library The USC Norris Medical Library (NML) plans to expand our Health Humanities and Graphic Medicine collections and promote these to our patrons and library community. The launch of our display Graphic Medicine… California
Supplemental Collection Equity Award Hawaii State Public Library System Funds from the award will be used to purchase books and materials for a series of book kits targeting parents and… Hawaii
Supplemental Collection Equity Award San Diego State University I collaborated with the Health Sciences Librarian to apply… California
Supplemental Collection Equity Award University of California San Francisco The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Library plans to use the NNLM Region 5 2023 Supplemental Collection Equity Award to expand the graphic medicine collection that we started with the… California
Supplemental Collection Equity Award University of Portland If awarded, the Supplemental Collection Equity Award would support Nursing students and faculty at the University of Portland School of Nursing and Health Innovations (UPSONHI) with electronic and print books about…
Supplemental Collection Equity Award Y2 - Clatskanie Library District Clatskanie Library District If granted, the Clatskanie Library District will continue building on the work we completed with the generosity of funding received last year. We will purchase new, current,… Oregon
Supporting Equitable Access to Emergency Preparedness Resources for Mothers in Mississippi Six Dimensions Mississippi has experienced a series of devastating natural, systemic, and environmental disasters that have required immediate action, sometimes leaving the very unique needs of pregnant and postpartum women unmet. This project will focus on responding to current and emerging needs of pregnant and postpartum women… Mississippi
Sustainable Eating& Nutritional Literacy Express University of North Texas Health Science Center - Library The Sustainable Eating & Nutritional Literacyprojectseeks to address food insecurity and health literacy related to nutrition. The goals of the projectwill be accomplishedthrough educational programming and practical support throughthe extensionof community gardenstoindividual homesby providing home growing kits, especially those in areas without access to affordable fresh fruit… Texas
Talking Total Farmer Health Podcast AgriSafe Network AgriSafe Network proposes to create and promote a new podcast series, Talking Total Farmer Health, targeted at people who work in agriculture. This series will be comprised of short episodes covering a single health and safety topic relevant to agricultural workers. Each episode will also be supplemented with additional material for the listener to explore the topic further in the form… Louisiana
Technology to Improve Outreach and the Visitor Experience at the Saranac Laboratory Museum Historic Saranac Lake Historic Saranac Lake’s mission is to preserve and present area history and architecture to build a stronger community. We assist with architectural preservation, genealogical research, and much more. We offer high-quality, engaging exhibits on the tuberculosis industry and other topics in Saranac Lake history to the public from our home at the Saranac Laboratory Museum. We are in the… New York
Telehealth Services in Delaware Libraries EveryLibrary Institute NFP In the latest effort by the Delaware Libraries to increase access to health and human services for patrons, telehealth booths were deployed in rural libraries in the southern part of the state. The target population for this pilot initiative were the uninsured and underinsured population. Public libraries are known for being safe places in the community where we know patrons are already… Illinois
The Celebrate Life Project - Alabama Support Centered Services The Celebrate Life Project commences by introducinglicensed professionals such as educators, socialworkers, mental health care providers, nurses,other health and human service providers andinformation intermediaries to NLM resources viavirtual mini-conference. Frontline practitionersneed accurate, reliable, credible, and timelyinformation about the latest innovation intreatments and… Alabama
The COVID-19 Silver Lining: expanding provider access to health information in South Brooklyn NYC Health and Hospitals-Coney Island Maximizing Coney Island Hospital’s healthcare providers’ access to current, evidence-based biomedical and health information resources by exchanging shelves of out-of-date, low-use hardcopy library books for laptops and online resources, clearing space for quiet study, online research and continuing education, ultimately available 24/7 for all clinical staff.
The Human Dimension Health and Digital Literacy Initiative Seton Hall University, Health Sciences Library and Information Commons Our goal is to:   (1) increase the health information literacy and digital literacy of community members from historically underserved areas in northern New Jersey;  (2) lessen the “digital divide” in these areas through increased access to WiFi-enabled technology in order to better access health information;  New Jersey
The NAME Project: Changing the Narrative and Ensuring Data Access of Oral Health Information for Medically Underserved Communities at Public Libraries University of Maryland College Park Disparities in oral healthcare outcomes illustrate a clear line between populations in the United States who are able to access regular dental care, and medically underserved communities struggling to receive basic and sometimes life-saving treatment. The Narratives and Medical Education (… Maryland
TPT NOW Health & Safety Voice-Over Infographics Twin Cities PBS TPT NOW requests support for a series of voice-over infographics around 3 culturally relevant health topics in 4 languages (English, Spanish, Hmong, and Somali) (12 total voice-over infographics). TPT NOW and the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) will identify topics and source content through MedlinePlus. Across its 24/7 broadcast,… Minnesota
TPT NOW Multilingual Health Infographics Twin Cities PBS TPT NOW proposes a collection of culturally relevant infographics around 48 timely health topics translated in four languages (English, Spanish, Hmong, and Somali) (192 total infographics). Infographic content will be sourced from MedlinePlus and Minnesota-based cultural partners. TPT NOW will amplify health content through its 24/7 broadcast, online… Minnesota
Training Health Sciences Students to Find Data for Local and Global Research and Service Project San Diego State University The  “Finding, Managing, and Analyzing Data for Your Health Sciences Research” workshop series will help students and faculty doing or planning research or service projects in San Diego, or any of the other SDSU locations, find public data on health, demographics, the environment (eg. climate… California
Trauma Informed Care Training University of New Mexico - Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center A free virtual training on trauma informed care will inform health science and information professionals on how to incorporate trauma-… New Mexico
Understanding Post-Disaster Community Needs in Three Municipalities of the Southwest Region of Puerto Rico Health Communications Institute Inc Through a need assessment, identify the needs that can lead to a knowledge gap in emergency preparedness among elderly people living in urban conglomerations in three Puerto Rico municipalities that were adversely impacted by public health emergencies in the last five years.… Puerto Rico
Understanding structural inequities and their influence on health: Training for Community Health Workers and Trusted Messengers University of North Texas Health Science Center - School of Public Health This project includes the development of interactive web-based training modules for Community Health Workers and Trusted Messengers (community leaders with the capacity to influence health in their roles, which may include a broad range of human service providers), as well as general health care providers. The modules will focus on documented structural inequities that have demonstrated… Texas
Using Trans-Specific ACEs to Build Trans Health Literacy and Empowerment FORGE, Inc. FORGE is a 27-year-old transgender/nonbinary (“trans”) organization focused on addressing violence, mental health, and health issues. Many trans people believe their health disparities and victimization are solely due to societal transphobia and/or are inherently linked to being transgender. Since individuals cannot easily… Wisconsin
UT-READY: Utilizing Drone Technology for Readiness and Emergency Assistance in Disaster Response Operations at UTHSC University of Tennessee Health Science Center The proposed project aims to improve the use of technology for health information access and improve access to libraries and information services. Specifically, the project aims to enhance emergency preparedness and response at University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) by training selected UTHSC Police, Faculty, and Staff using drones. This… Tennessee
Veteran Telehealth Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center - White River Junction The South Burlington (VT) Library is planning to open in a brand-new facility shortly. A number of VA staff (named in the attached Project Proposal) have been meeting periodically with South Burlington Library Director Jennifer Murray to discuss the inclusion of a Veterans' telehealth space in the new library, as well as the details of how it would work. Vermont
Virtual Reality Diversity Equity & Inclusion Northeast Georgia Health System - Fraser Resource Center and Health Sciences Library The overall project goal is to improve physiciancultural competency through shared patient careProvide a one-paragraph description that summarizesexperiences. To accomplish the specific aims of thethe proposed project. Funded projects are displayed onproject, we propose a longitudinal diversitythe NNLM website and are provided by NLM in responsesimulation curriculum incorporating… Georgia
We Care Wellness Pickens County Library System We Care Wellness will educate the Pickens County community on how to navigate the Pickens County Library System’s (PCLS) online databases on Health and Medicine (MedlinePlus). PCLS will reserve the FREE room (For Research Education and Enrichment) located at the Pickens County Administration building. PCLS will provide in person cooking demonstrations and showcase the &… South Carolina
last updated: 06/14/24 10:14
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