Subaward Project

NNLM AoU Community Award: Using Trans-Specific ACEs to Build Trans Health Literacy and Empowerment

FORGE is a 27-year-old transgender/nonbinary (“trans”) organization focused on addressing violence, mental health, and health issues. Many trans people believe their health disparities and victimization are solely due to societal transphobia and/or are inherently linked to being transgender. Since individuals cannot easily change either their gender identity or others’ transphobia, many trans people feel hopeless about their futures, leading to further adverse mental and physical health conditions. FORGE’s work is based on two guiding principles: being trauma-informed and empowerment-based. Our work with service providers often incorporates the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) research (CDC). The ACE study lays out the developmental and social consequences of ACEs and how those lead to specific adult health issues. Yet the ACEs data does not fully map to the trans experience: trans health data shows disparities far beyond what ACEs predict. FORGE has therefore developed eight trans-specific ACEs that we believe help explain those disparities.

The goal of this project is to share the ACE study including trans-specific ACEs with trans community members in easy to understand formats. This will give participants a deeper understanding of where mental/physical health conditions may stem from, and improve their health literacy. It will also alleviate feelings of stigma and it may decrease passivity in taking positive health steps. The concrete deliverables of this project are to develop and present/disseminate a webinar, rack card, and set of social media posts to increase trans-specific health literacy related to ACEs. All deliverables will introduce the All of Us study.


Lead Organization: FORGE, Inc.


Award Details

Funding Source: AoU - CEC
Project Category: Outreach
Period of Performance: Nov 1, 2021 - Apr 30, 2022
Project Status: Completed

Project Funding