Current Projects

This page includes awards made during the current NNLM award period (May 1, 2021 - April 30, 2026).

On this Page
Project Title Lead Organization Project Summary Project Start Date Project End Date State
Multilingual health information and literacy skills: The importance of Information access University of Memphis Health Sciences Library Goal: The project goals are to improve health information literacy by increasing the ability of community members to find and use high-quality health information. We will increase awareness of health information resources.  Justification: The digital divide or digital inequality prevents many from participating in available online services, and to use information technologies.… Tennessee
Native Health Database Community Engagement Studios University of New Mexico - Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center To meet the needs of multiple stakeholders, the Native Health Database (NHD) has necessarily evolved numerous times since its initial creation in the early 1990s. A recently-funded NNLM-SCR project (January-April 2021) saw the migration of its former platform to one now served through Mukurtu CMS, a database that provides numerous pathways for content creators, Indigenous communities,… New Mexico
NEOBHC Mpox Prevention Outreach Program Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition The Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition (NEOBHC) proposes a project to help protect unsuspecting sexual partners from potential infection due to mpox or other STDs. We will create QR code stickers for condom packages. The QR code will link to monkeypox information from MedlinePlus and/or the CDC in… Ohio
NFPL Create Your Healthy Life: Bringing Digital Technology and Telehealth Access to Niagara for Learning, Communication, and Building Your Healthiest Future Niagara Falls Public Library The goal of the Niagara Falls Public Library (NFPL) Create Your Healthy Life: Bringing Digital Technology and Telehealth Access to Niagara for Learning, Communication, and Building Your Healthiest Future project is to provide its library community a private environment and supportive resources to access telehealth and personal health information by providing… New York
Northstar Digital Literacy: Digital Literacy Skills for Telehealth Literacy Minnesota Through a multi-phase project, Northstar will develop several digital health literacy modules. In Phase 1, the focus of this Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) application, Northstar will identify the standards and create an assessment to gauge individuals' digital literacy skills that are needed for successful telehealth participation. Digital literacy is a… Minnesota
NPL Telehealth Initiative for Seniors Nashville Public Library Services targeting seniors continue to move to theinternet (health information, social security, Medicare details, employment opportunities, and other social services). During the Covid-19 pandemic this digital divide has become even more pronounced for seniors. NPL's Digital Inclusion (DI) program aims to close this digital gap andprovide much need health information to… Tennessee
Nursing and Academic Success: Advancing health literacy and nursing education through student-led curriculum workshops Southern Connecticut State University The Southern CT State University (SCSU) Department of Nursing (DN) and the Center for Academic Success and Accessibility Services (CASAS) propose a Health Information Outreach project that will advance health information resources in Minority university students and encourage the use of reliable NLM databases when searching for health information. It will also provide ongoing support for… Connecticut
Nursing Experts: Translating the Evidence Phase 4 (NExT4) University of Illinois Chicago College of Nursing-Urbana Campus The University of Illinois Chicago’s Library of the Health Sciences and the College of Nursing have been engaged in a series of evidence-based practice (EBP) education programs targeted to… Illinois
Nursing Experts: Translating the Evidence Phase 5 (NExT5) University of Illinois Chicago College of Nursing-Urbana Campus The University of Illinois Chicago’s Library of the Health Sciences (LHS) and the College of Nursing have been engaged in a series of evidence-based practice (EBP) education programs targeted to public health, school health, acute and ambulatory care nurses.  These programs have expanded and built upon each other and used partnerships and… Illinois
Nutrition and Health Information Literacy in New Haven Public Schools New Haven Public Schools This project brings New Haven Public School (NHPS) teachers/librarians, medical librarians from Quinnipiac University and Yale University, medical, and nutritional experts to develop a health information literacy curriculum. We will center on two initial areas: evaluating and applying nutritional information so students can make better decisions about diet, and evaluating health… Connecticut
Ohio Menstrual Health Equity Project Aunt Flow The Ohio Menstrual Health and Period Poverty Information Project is a communitybased project to improve access to menstrual health products and reliable information. It is targeted specifically to youth ages 12+ and adults who menstruate and those who care for them. When people understand menstrual health, they are prepared to advocate for their own care and those they care for… Ohio
One Bite at a Time: On the Road to Improve Health Outcomes in Rural Jeff Davis County, Texas Jeff Davis County Library Jeff Davis County Library, in partnership with the Food Pantry of Jeff Davis County and Friends of the Jeff Davis County Library, have established a mobile outreach program to bring much-needed resources to the rural and remote county. By utilizing a Charlie Cart mobile kitchen and resources from MedlinePlus, the program will be able to offer a comprehensive food and nutrition curriculum… Texas
Opening Doors to the Outdoors Blackstone Heritage Corridor This grant application is to fund adaptive cycling events supported by the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor (BHC) Volunteers-In-Parks program in partnership with Blackstone River Valley National Historical Park, All Out Adventures, Bike-On, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation,… Massachusetts
Our Community Window: A Library Website for Access and Inclusion Charlotte Library Our library has witnessed an ever-increasing demand for health information. Unfortunately, our current website does not allow us to provide the information to our community as quickly as we should. This means our friends and neighbors do not get timely news about weather emergencies or find the mental… Vermont
Partnering with Community- and Faith-Based Organizations to Co-create Health Literacy and Clinical Trial Toolkits for Underserved Communities Institute For eHealth Equity We seek to co-create a health literacy toolkit for community-based organizations (CBOs) and faith-based organizations (FBOs) in NNLM RML2 designed to increase the participation of historically underrepresented populations and communities in clinical research. Using a culturally appropriate and moderated web-based platform, we will connect, convene, and collaborate with 15 leaders of FBO/… Ohio
Partnering with Rural Public Libraries to Expand Consumer Health Information Access to Underserved Patrons in the Clinch River Regional Library of East Tennessee University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine This project proposes to use the Health Information Outreach Award to provide consumer health resources and training to the Clinch River Regional Library service area located in east Tennessee. The service area covers nine predominately rural counties, north and east of metropolitan Knoxville. Proposed grant monies would fund the purchase of a set of 20 consumer health books for each of… Tennessee
Patient Modules University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences- Center for Health Literacy The Center for Health Literacy and the North Texas VA Hospital worked together to created health literacy modules for patients.  Arkansas
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and Shale Gas Development: Health Outreach to Residents of Southwestern Pennsylvania Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project (EHP) Research indicates that shale gas development uses and produces per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), exposure to which can produce negative impacts on health, including liver damage, increased risk of high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia in pregnant women, decreased birth weights, and kidney and testicular cancer. The Environmental Health Project (EHP) proposes to educate… Pennsylvania
Placticas: Raising awareness, increasing health literacy, and partnering to improve inclusion of underrepresented communities in health research YWCA San Antonio The project goal is to raise awareness, increase health literacy, and to improve inclusion of underrepresented communities in health research, via the objectives of NAPC All of Us. General project activities include publicity and marketing of the project, recruitment of participants, providing information/education sessions (Placticas), distribution of All of Us/NIH/NLM information,… Texas
Pop-Up Botanica Exhibit & Lecture Presentations University of Arizona Health Sciences Library The University of Arizona Health Sciences Library (UAHSL) plans outreach activities designed to connect with communities in Arizona, including: public health workers and public health educators embedded in underserved communities; “promotores de salud”; K-12 students; Hispanic, Native American, and border-region populations; public librarians especially in rural areas… Arizona
Powering Clinics & Communities with PubMed: Building Library Awareness at a Safety-Net Hospital System University of North Texas Health Science Center - Library In alignment with the goals of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the Powering Clinics & Communities with PubMed project seeks to build awareness at JPS Health Network off-site clinics around the resources and services offered by JPS Medical Library to further support patient care provided to Tarrant County’s most vulnerable, underrepresented populations. JPS… Texas
Prenatal Health Education The Children's Home Society of New Jersey Under this project proposed to NNLM, trusted bicultural and bilingual New Jersey obstetrics/gynecology and maternal/fetal medical providers will review and update the current CHSofNJ prenatal health education curricula used for 60-90 women annually with current NJ medical practice and NNLM resources. CHSofNJ’s current prenatal health education is based on the March of Dimes…
Preserving Access to Tuberculosis History Through Wiki Migration Historic Saranac Lake Historic Saranac Lake (HSL) maintains a local history wiki website that includes thousands of pages documenting the history of the tuberculosis (TB) industry in our community. The wiki is available for free to the public, and anyone can contribute information and photographs. The wiki has been featured in AASLH… New York
Preventative Care Family Package: Increasing Equity and Understanding University of North Texas Health Science Center - Library The Preventative Care Family Package seeks to help families understand the importance of preventative care through two sets of educational materials distributedto patients of the University of North Texas Health Science Center (HSC)at Fort Worth Pediatric Mobile Clinic(PMC) and North Texas Eye Research Institute (NTERI). Theclinicand institutehaveprovided over 10,000 children, from… Texas
Project "TORDS) Technology Outreach to Reduce health Disparities and Stigma-Making Health Happen South Central Educational development, Inc Making Health Happen”, is a pilot program that promotes health screening and use of telehealth in rural communities and has leveraged community resources to promote their health services/screenings at these events. Making Health Happen is similar to a health fair, but provides health screenings, such as HIV/Hep C, A1C screening,COVID-19 screenings, Etc… West Virginia
Project CORDS-Making Health Happen South Central Educational development, Inc Making Health Happen is a pilot program designed to provide health education and health screenings to rural, underserved and marginalized communities in Southern West Virginia. Making Health Happen goals are to increase access to health screening and referrals for health services, build a Culture of Health and Health literacy among rural populations… West Virginia
Promoting Student Learning Spaces and Health Information Sharing- A Social Laboratory Worcester State University Student sense of belonging and academic engagement can be improved by making available spaces that promote a culture of learning and information sharing. Engaging students face-to-face inside and outside the classroom is essential in today’s digital world. Promoting the development of collegial and collaborative relationships with faculty and developing communication skills improves… Massachusetts
Providence Community Libraries: Improving You in 2022 Providence Community Library The aim of this program is to increase availability and accessibility of resources that promote physical and mental health and awareness of medical research to the communities of the nine branch libraries within the Providence Community Library (PCL) system. Programs are aimed at adults, however every library in our system will have the flexibility to adapt… Rhode Island
Providing Physicians Access to Information to Support Evidence-Based Healthcare Across Utah Eccles Health Sciences Library Research confirms that patient outcomes improve when healthcare providers practice in an evidence-based manner1. Evidence-based practice (EBP) involves a problem-solving approach to clinical care that incorporates the conscientious use of current best practices from well-designed studies, a clinician… Utah
Public Health Information Kits Walla Walla County Rural Library District WWCRLD is in the midst of strategic planning and two community focus groups have indicated the need for health information and all-ages programming for the public in a variety of areas.  While… Washington
last updated: 06/14/24 10:14
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