Current Projects

This page includes awards made during the current NNLM award period (May 1, 2021 - April 30, 2026).

On this Page
Project Title Lead Organization Project Summary Project Start Date Project End Date State
Community Response and Equity Committee City of San Antonio Health Literacy Workgroup YWCA San Antonio A survey conducted by Pew Internet and American Life Project advised that approximately eighty percent of adult Internet users have searched online for at least one major health topic in the past year. However, research published regarding the Healthy People 2020 goal of forty-five percent of the population accessing online health information without frustration… Texas
Community Unconference: Let’s Talk About Black Maternal Health University at Buffalo, Health Sciences Library Our project aims to increase awareness, and to educate the community by amplifying the voices of community members around the health disparities and inequities related to Black maternal health The project activities are three community events: 1) a webinar to feature the ENAHEC and the… New York
Comprehensive Health Information Outreach- Tennessee East Tennessee State University - Medical Center This project will provide consumer health training and consumer health brochures based on Medline Plus to rural public libraries, Remote Area Medical clinics (, local health departments, rural federally supported medical clinics, rural dental clinics, faith-based clinics, an African American Community Center, and a church outreach and downtown city festival (Corazon) for… Tennessee
Connecting People to Telehealth Public Library Lawton Public Library The Lawton Public Library intends to bridge the digital divide with telehealth kiosks and programming to improve individuals’ access to health information. The primary outreach is to the medically underserved members in Comanche County. Oklahoma
Connecting Rural Paramedic Education Classrooms Elizabethtown Community Hospital The Elizabethtown Community Hospital Paramedic Education Program aims to support a pipeline for emergency medical professionals certified as paramedics, the highest level of pre-hospital care certification and licensure. The education and skills students of the program receive allows them to adapt to any given situation… New York
Connecting Underserved Communities to Health Sciences Information Resources Via Public Libraries University of New Mexico - Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center (HSLIC) is the state's only public academic health sciences library and strives to improve health and health equity for all New Mexicans. HSLIC seeks to engage with diverse underserved populations through rural public libraries and connect library staff with the appropriate NLM/NNLM resources and training.… New Mexico
ConnectNow Respond Now The proposed project will allow for the creation of a digital literacy program and lab housed within Respond Now, a South Suburban Cook county homeless service provider. The proposed program, entitled ConnectNow, will give those with a limited access to technology and health information, an equitable chance to improve digital literacy skills and individual health.  Illinois
Controlled Substance Stewardship: Educational Tools for Patients and Providers Community Care Partnership Of Maine Community Care Partnership of Maine, Penobscot Community Health Care Pharmacy, and the Schmidt Institute will collaborate to access National Library of Medicine resources and develop patient- and provider-facing educational tools for evidence-based chronic pain management for those with underlying mental health and/or trauma. The educational tools will be disseminated statewide through… Maine
COVID Learning, Engagement & Assistance for all Neighborhoods (CLEAN) Program Extension The Institute for Community, Youth and Family Services, Inc. The Institute for Community, Youth and FamilyServices Inc. (The Institute) proposes to expand our pilot CLEAN program through this extension designed to bring COVID-19 resources and education to rural communities in Alabama that lack health services. By partnering with service providers, churches, local government and the public housingauthority we will ensure that trainings andmaterials… Alabama
Creating a Sustainable and Sharable Disaster Information Services Repository Website University of South Carolina School of Information Science The School of Information Science at the University of South Carolina (iSchool/UofSC) requests $19,872 for a one-year Region 2 Emergency Preparedness and Response Award to create and implement a sustainable and sharable disaster information service repository. The project aims are to: 1) create a repository website to document a summary of four research findings… South Carolina
Cultivating Health Literacy in Languages Other than English Worcester Islamic Center This technology proposal is designed to raise awareness of reliable NLM consumer health information resources and community resources to address health needs in a variety of languages.… Massachusetts
Culture and Health for Refugee Adolescents The Upstate Foundation The proposed project, “Culture and Health for Refugee Adolescents”, is an initiative to establish community resources for refugee adolescents aged 15-21 years old, preferably within 5 years of arrival, in the Syracuse area. We plan to meet a month, to help educate and engage our refugee adolescent population… New York
Data Journalism Course in a Box: The COVID Tracking Project Archives University of California San Francisco The COVID Tracking Project (CTP) was a citizen-run, all volunteer organization that tracked the first year of the COVID pandemic. The data produced by the project are some of the most clean and well-documented datasets on the pandemic. This course-in-a-box includes datasets, metadata, annotations, and editorial content describing the methods and theories of the project. Using this… California
Data Science & Sovereignty for Tribal College Librarians Montana State University - Renne Library Often the only libraries in rural, isolated communities, tribal college libraries offer critical services to a population with lower rates of broadband access and less access to medical care. Since 1990, the MSU Library has provided tribal college librarians with professional development through the Tribal College Librarians Institute (TCLI). To help tribal college librarians empower… Montana
DAWN Clinic-Engagement and Outreach Award DAWN Clinic Utilize the expertise of a Community Engagement Professional who will engage clinic community members in mini interviews, compile results of interviews, provide reports related to engaging with clinic community members with the outcome of informing the re-design of the DAWN Clinic website designed to advance engagement activities, developing culturally sensitive, linguistically… Colorado
DAWN Clinic-Program Improvement Award DAWN Clinic The DAWN Clinic will develop a website that is user-friendly for DAWN patients with features that will promote better access to healthcare and health information. The Project will meet the community's needs for improved access to community resources and access to health information. The Project will be completed with the assistance of a web developer with the goal of… Colorado
Detecting Radon in Maine Cary Medical Center Our project “… Maine
Developing a Dialect and Accent Digital Technologies Library (DADTL) Meharry Medical College Even though health care information (HCI) may be accessed online, due to various interdependent and compounding barriers, disadvantaged populations are still unable to acquire this health information at the same level as those who can access information online. A significant amount of disadvantaged populations and, by extension, their families and the community at large utilize their… Tennessee
Development of health education materials for women with Mullerian Anomalies Montana State University - Center for American Indian and Rural Health Equity Our project will build upon the outcomes achieved in our current project (Identifying health information gaps and opportunities to support optimum care and education of females with Mullerian Anomalies) by the development of patient-focused health education material for women with Mullerian Anomalies (MAs… Montana
Development of the NNLM Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (Living) Handbook/Guide Consultation and development of a NNLM Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (Living) Handbook/Guide, including all deliverables outlined on the Statement of Work.
Discover Good Health & Wellness @ Hartford Public Library/Descubre la Buena Salud y Bienestar en La Biblioteca Publica de Hartford Hartford Public Library Hartford Public Library will partner with the NNLM All of Us Healthcare Provider Organization, Community Health Center, Inc. (CHC) and other local community organizations to offer health and wellness literacy programs to help further individual and communities’ knowledge of and skills related to health literacy and wellness and understanding of clinical medical research.&… Connecticut
Do Your Research Walton Mobile Healthcare Solutions As stated by the CDC, immunization with an COVID-19 is crucial for “reducing COVID-19 related illness, hospitalization and death” ( With the push for vaccination compliance being at the forefront of the news lately data shows those that want to be vaccinated are currently vaccinated, those who want to be vaccinated are. The target now is converting the part of the population… Ohio
Educating dental health students through simulation, active learning, and virtual modalities. Lake Washington Institute of Technology To increase active learning for dental students and create a library of hand skills videos for future cohorts and the public who are interested in the subject matter. A high speed camera and special router will be used for filming, streaming, and uploading to the cloud. The… Washington
Education and Outreach Regarding Breast and Cervical Health and Cancer Screenings YWCA Central Massachusetts This project expands the YWCA's Women of Color & the Big C (WoC-C) program, which provides education and outreach to increase the awareness of breast and cervical cancer and the importance of screenings for Black and African American women and other priority populations (Hispanic, foreign born Muslim, Asian, low-income) who are particularly at risk for poor outcomes from… Massachusetts
Empowering communities to improve indoor air quality through ventilation information: Connecticut pilot project Hamden Public Library Carbon dioxide monitors can make visible something that is invisible: indoor air quality. Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a hot topic because of the COVID-19 pandemic and other airborne environmental health threats, like particulate matter and wildfire smoke. But most people have low environmental health literacy. Even if people do know about the… Connecticut
Empowering communities with indoor air quality information: Massachusetts pilot project Brookline Public Library Carbon dioxide monitors can make visible something that is invisible: indoor air quality. Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a hot topic because of the COVID-19 pandemic and other airborne environmental health threats, like particulate matter and wildfire smoke. But most people have low environmental health literacy. Even if people do know about the… New Hampshire
Enabling Engagement with 3-D Scanning Technology Oregon Health & Science University Library The Oregon Health & Science University’s OHSU Library will make 3-D scanning technology more available to communities through Equipment Lending and Special Collections Outreach.  Experience with creating and manipulating 3-D representations of medical and scientific objects is important to the spatial thinking and creativity of academic, research and community… Oregon
Engaging AZ Public Libraries as Community Hubs for Citizen Science Arizona Library Association Through citizen and community science, people engage in events, projects and programs that can directly improve their health. Increasingly, libraries are becoming community hubs for citizen and community science facilitating participation among UBRs and others. The project aims to train and engage librarians and staff as facilitators and… Arizona
Engaging Beyond Tablets: Noticing Older Adults during Post Pandemic Northern Illinois University Our proposal aims to provide an educational resource tool kit using Tablets to underserved older adults (> 65 yrs) belonging to lower income and lower education groups in DeKalb county. Secondary goal is to bring awareness and educate them on how the All of US Research program can help all, including older adults by providing the research… Illinois
Enhancing disaster Relief through Amateur Radio and Health Education in St. Thomas US Virgin Islands. Healthdove, Inc. Emergencies and disasters in the US Virgin Islands include earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, wildfires, riots, marine and terrestrial search and rescue operations, landslides, bomb threats, chemical spills, nuclear radiation, and war. Some are caused by natural forces, some result from human error, and some are deliberate acts of violence. There is no place that is safe from a threat of… Virgin Islands
last updated: 06/14/24 10:14
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