Subaward Project

Supplemental Collection Equity Award Y2 - Clatskanie Library District

If granted, the Clatskanie Library District will continue building on the work we completed with the generosity of funding received last year. We will purchase new, current, and relevant books for our adult general nonfiction collection in the area of health and wellness. Additionally, we would like to create a new health and wellness collection geared toward young adults. The recent findings by the Institute of Museum and Library Services underscore for me the absolute need within my community for these resources and the imperative of the library’s mission to provide them. “The multi-year, multi-market study found the presence and usage of public libraries and museums to be positively associated with multiple dimensions of social wellbeing—in particular, community health, school effectiveness, institutional connection, and cultural opportunity.” In the last year, with the influx of new books into the collection, we have seen checkout rates exceed 210% of pre-pandemic levels. We also have attracted more teens to the library by creating programming specifically for their demographic. These teens are asking for resources that we do not currently have funds for. My goal is to improve our health resources so that we can provide for our community much needed support.


Lead Organization: Clatskanie Library District
Project Lead: Maryanne Hirning


Age Group: Teens (13-18 yrs.), Adults (19-64 yrs.), Seniors (65+ yrs.)
Sexual & Gender Minorities: Women
Geographic Type: Medically Underserved Areas/Populations, Rural
Issues & Interests: Behavioral/Social Determinants of Health, Opioids, Vaping
Roles of Participants Project is Intended to Serve: General Public

Award Details

Funding Source: Region 5
Project Category: Outreach
Period of Performance: Feb 1, 2023 - Apr 30, 2023
Project Status: Awarded

Project Funding