Subaward Project

NNLM AoU Community Award: Placticas: Raising awareness, increasing health literacy, and partnering to improve inclusion of under

The project goal is to raise awareness, increase health literacy, and to improve inclusion of underrepresented communities in health research, via the objectives of NAPC All of Us. General project activities include publicity and marketing of the project, recruitment of participants, providing information/education sessions (Placticas), distribution of All of Us/NIH/NLM information, gathering survey information, evaluation, and reporting. Specific activities regarding planning the Placticas, include staff developing the curriculum to address biomedical research and health literacy as it applies to breast cancer survivors and their families (developing the materials needed, designing activities, creating program schedule). Further, staff will determine venue, date/time, find guest speakers, etc. Planning the Placticas (venue, date/time, finding and scheduling guest speakers if needed).


Lead Organization: YWCA San Antonio
Project Lead: Corin Reyes


Award Details

Funding Source: AoU - CEC
Project Category: Outreach
Period of Performance: Nov 1, 2022 - Apr 30, 2023
Project Status: Completed

Project Funding