Subaward Project

NNLM AoU Community Award: Engaging Beyond Tablets: Noticing Older Adults during Post Pandemic

Our proposal aims to provide an educational resource tool kit using Tablets to underserved older adults (> 65 yrs) belonging to lower income and lower education groups in DeKalb county. Secondary goal is to bring awareness and educate them on how the All of US Research program can help all, including older adults by providing the research community with data sets so future studies can address specific needs of older populations. The educational tool kit will include 20 PowerPoint slides and interactive videos to help older adults learn about self-pain management, physical activity, and chronic diseases.

Initial activity will include creating a Toolkit (in a Tablet) by the PI with the assistance from health sciences librarian who has expertise on NNLM website resources. Next, PI and nursing students will be reaching older adults belonging to lower socio-economic (low education and income) groups and 1) provide them Tablet with tool kit containing NNLM resources on how to improve a) self-pain management b) physical activity c) chronic disease (heart disease, diabetes) 2) conduct a 3-part speaker series in these subject areas and also educate about the All of US research and its importance for older adults.


Lead Organization: Northern Illinois University


Award Details

Funding Source: NAPC
Project Category: Outreach
Period of Performance: Nov 1, 2022 - Apr 30, 2023
Project Status: Completed

Project Funding