Current Projects

This page includes awards made during the current NNLM award period (May 1, 2021 - April 30, 2026).

On this Page
Project Title Lead Organization Project Summary Project Start Date Project End Date State
Welcome Baby! Expanding Language-Concordant Health Education Resources for New Parents of Diverse Populations in Worcester Worcester Healthy Baby Collaborative “Welcome Baby! Expanding Language-Concordant Health Education Resources for New Parents of Diverse Populations in Worcester” will help low-income parent(s) from racial minority and immigrant groups who are expecting a child or are within 1 year of delivery to gain educational resources necessary for the wellbeing of their infant. Our overarching goal is to reduce… Massachusetts
Wisconsin Dental and Oral Care Health Information Project: Outreach to Amish and Mennonite Communities D.R. Moon Memorial Library In alignment with the NLM mission to improve access, use,… Wisconsin
Women's Heart Health - Red Dress Sundays - InObservance of Heart Health Month The Medi Community Resource Center February is Heart Health Month, and throughout theentire month, we will be sharing information from subject matter experts that include but are not limited to medical and healthcare professionals, culinary experts, professional trainers and exercise professionals, Tri-county area houses of worship and many other organizations that serveAfrican American, Asian, Native American, Latinaand… South Carolina
Y4 Express Data Carpentries for Researchers and Students in Omaha, Nebraska University of Nebraska Medical Center The Data Carpentries workshops provide expert instruction for learners to use platforms, tools,and programming languages for the organization and analysis of data. Workshop participants aretrained to use computational techniques to work with large data sets using R, Python, and otherdata cleaning and organizing tools, such as OpenRefine. This project brings… Nebraska
Y4 Health Information - Advancing Mental Health Awareness for Afghan Refugee Women through Mental Health Literacy Workshop University of Oklahoma Tulsa - Schusterman Library The project, "Advancing Mental Health Awareness for Afghan Refugee Women through Mental Health Literacy Workshop,” at The University of Oklahoma has a focused mission to promote mental health awareness for marginalized and underserved Afghan refugee women tailored to the unique needs of the population. Given the rapid increase in Afghan refugees, the high prevalence of mental… Oklahoma
Y4 Health Information - Harvey Health Matters: A County-Wide Health Advocacy Collaboration Newton Public Library The Harvey Health Matters Initiative is a comprehensive community health education strategythat includes in-person interactive workshops via a Health Fair, static displays for disseminationin the county, and online resources for added informational support. The initiative is designed tobe multifaceted in order to engage different populations throughout the… Kansas
YWCA Central Massachusetts Breast and Cervical Health YWCA Central Massachusetts This project expands on one funded through an NNLM grant (2021-2022) that provided education, outreach, and referral to cancer screenings to Massachusetts
last updated: 06/14/24 10:14
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Demographics - Sexual & Gender Minorities