Subaward Project

Y4 Health Information - Harvey Health Matters: A County-Wide Health Advocacy Collaboration

The Harvey Health Matters Initiative is a comprehensive community health education strategy
that includes in-person interactive workshops via a Health Fair, static displays for dissemination
in the county, and online resources for added informational support. The initiative is designed to
be multifaceted in order to engage different populations throughout the community with the
overall goal of improved community health and increased health literacy.


Lead Organization: Newton Public Library
Project Lead: Cari Cusick


Age Group: Seniors (65+ yrs.)
Geographic Type: Rural
Race & Ethnicity: Hispanics/Latin Americans
Roles of Participants Project is Intended to Serve: General Public, Health Professional, Library Staff - Public, Student - K-12

Award Details

Funding Source: Region 3
Project Category: Outreach
Period of Performance: Jun 1, 2024 - Apr 30, 2025
Project Status: Awarded

Project Funding

Federal Fiscal Year 2024: $25,000