Subaward Project

Y4 Express Data Carpentries for Researchers and Students in Omaha, Nebraska

The Data Carpentries workshops provide expert instruction for learners to use platforms, tools,
and programming languages for the organization and analysis of data. Workshop participants are
trained to use computational techniques to work with large data sets using R, Python, and other
data cleaning and organizing tools, such as OpenRefine. This project brings together thirty
researchers and students for a two-day workshop in Omaha, Nebraska. The instructors for
workshops are certified through The Data Carpentries and are recruited to teach through AMY,
the Carpentries’ internal trainer database. There are currently 7 Certified Carpentries instructors
in Nebraska and over eighty certified Carpentries instructors in NNLM Region 3
( This grant will pay for two instructors to travel to Omaha
from a Midwest location (airfare and lodging) and a small stipend for each instructor. UNMC’s
Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library will pay for instructors,’ helpers,’ hosts’ and
attendees’ lunches on both days of the workshop.


Project Lead: Lisa Chinn


Roles of Participants Project is Intended to Serve: Educator - College & Post-grad, Student - College & Post-grad

Award Details

Funding Source: Region 3
Project Category: Outreach
Period of Performance: Jun 1, 2024 - Apr 30, 2025
Project Status: Awarded

Project Funding

Federal Fiscal Year 2024: $7,805