NNLM Training Office
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CHIS Level 1
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Thank you for registering for Wellness in the Library Workplace.
The class runs from March 13 - 27, 2023. The class will be held in Moodle.

On the class date, go to:

You will be asked for the enrollment key the first time you access the class:

You will also receive an email confirmation with a calendar appointment.

Questions? Contact nto@nnlm.gov
Class Format
  • Describe the benefits of a healthy workplace
  • Explore what a healthy work environment looks like
  • Identify changes you can make at the individual level to improve your health and wellness at work
  • Identify changes to make at an organization level to improve the overall health and wellness in your library 
  • Increase awareness of evaluation tools related to news articles and other online content related to health and wellness
  • Increase awareness of resources from NLM and NIH related to health and wellness in the workplace
Event Description

You’re a library worker. You’re already helping those in your community find health information. As a library worker, what are you doing to manage your own well-being? Individual and community well-being are inherently connected. Thus, it is critical that workplaces be an area of wellness for their employees. Join us to discover ways to improve your own personal well-being and create a healthy workplace.  If you are a supervisor, how are you helping to ensure your staff stays healthy (physically, emotionally, etc.)? We will also discuss ways to increase overall wellness for all staff in libraries so that we have happy, healthy, and safe work environments.

In this 2-week, 4-CE class participants will explore the aspects of a healthy workplace including physical, mental, and emotional components. During the first week, we will look at the evidence on the benefits of having a healthy working environment that matters to you, to the library, and to your community. We will discuss what does and does not make a healthy working environment. During the second week, participants will learn about and explore changes they can make at an individual level and NLM and NIH resources to improve workplace health and wellness. We will also discuss changes that could and should be made at the team and organizational levels to improve workplace health and wellness for everyone.

This course is asynchronous, there are no set hours to be online each week. 

By registering for this class, you are agreeing to the NNLM Code of Conduct

Event End Date
Event Information
This event is currently full. Please check back later for additional opportunities to learn with us.
Registration End Date
Registration Start Date
Event Start Date
Event Summary
Join us for this 2-week, 4 credit-hour online class to discover ways to improve your own personal well-being and create a healthy workplace.
Wellness in the Library Workplace
Thank You for Registering
Waitlist Text
This event is currently full. However you can register now and get added to a waiting list. You will be notified if spaces become available.