NLM Office Hours: PubMed Central

This class is no longer accepting registrations

Don’t miss the next NLM Office Hours with staff from PubMed Central (PMC)! We’ll have a brief demo of the new PMC interface and answer your questions about free access to journal content through PMC, about the NIH preprint pilot, and more.

Read about PMC and its role in public access, try out the new interface , then join us for what we hope will be a lively discussion on March 25th.

Is there an NLM product you would like to ask about? Send requests for future office hour topics through the NLM Support Center. Use the subject line: NLM Office Hour Request. Sign up for NLM Technical Bulletin Alerts to get notifications on future NLM office hours.


NLM office hours are hosted by the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) and offer one credit of Medical Library Association (MLA) continuing education (CE). Registration is limited to 100 participants.

Class Details

Date(s): March 25, 2022
Time: 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM EDT
Platform: Zoom
CE Credits: 1.00
This is a National NNLM class.
Learn more about this class and find other upcoming instances:

Class Contacts

Host/Instructor: Molly Knapp
Technical Assistance: Rebecca Brown

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Register anyway and you'll receive the recording after the event.

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