Subaward Project

Collection Equity Award

This award will allow our organization to purchase age-appropriate books and information for our patrons in English and Spanish. Currently, our collection is older with many books that are 15 or more years old and do not include many titles for the migrant farm workers we visit. This includes information nonfiction, social/emotional health, and physical health. Unfortunately, we have not been able to keep update books about physical or mental health in our collection due to the speed we get new information and the cost associated with updating resources. We have recently begun visiting retirement communities, senior housing, and occasionally home bound adults, all who are interested in the latest information about staying healthy or aging gracefully. To meet their needs, we will purchase books on topics like healthy aging, living/caring for someone with dementia, and staying fit as you age. Likewise, we will expand the young adult section to include selections on sexuality, puberty, nutrition, and sexual health. We have recently gone through the young adult section and removed old, outdated information. FGI Bookmobile will be able to offer updated and diverse health information to our patrons and community members.



Age Group: Children (0-12 yrs.), Teens (13-18 yrs.), Adults (19-64 yrs.), Seniors (65+ yrs.)
Geographic Type: Rural
Issues & Interests: Behavioral/Social Determinants of Health

Award Details

Funding Source: Region 7
Project Category: Outreach
Period of Performance: Mar 7, 2023 - Apr 30, 2023
Project Status: Completed

Project Funding

Federal Fiscal Year 2022: $2,000