Subaward Project

Grant Application - Outreach

This project will provide nurses continuing education through workshops led by museum educators, both on site at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and virtually. The project will introduce a discussion and activity format centered around images of museum works that can be adapted for use in clinical and workplace settings.  We will introduce efficient strategies about using PubMed and Medline Plus linked to topics explored through the workshop discussion. 


Lead Organization: NYU Health Sciences Library
Project Lead: DeAnn Brame
Project Lead: Lita Anglin


Age Group: Adults (19-64 yrs.), Seniors (65+ yrs.)
Geographic Type: Urban
Issues & Interests: Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Populations
Roles of Participants Project is Intended to Serve: General Public, Health Professional

Award Details

Funding Source: Region 7
Project Category: Outreach
Period of Performance: May 1, 2023 - Apr 30, 2024
Project Status: Awarded

Project Funding

Federal Fiscal Year 2023: $17,000