Subaward Project

Grant Application - Outreach

To create a program to support holistic health in seniors; addressing physical health, the digital divide, and social isolation through varied, and consistently offered programming over a one-year span. The structures we will create, the assets we will gather and the relationships we will nurture will insure the long-term sustainability and growth of this initiative. The program is comprised of three components; Bridging the Digital Divide, Supporting Physical Health, and Building Community to combat Social Isolation and sustain good Mental Health.Technology training for elder Vermonters will cover essential topics and highlight Medline Plus prevention resources. Library staff will provide in-person support for learning on electronic tablets using online video content. This experience will build confidence and skill for participants’ future connectivity at home. Physical health will be addressed through tai chi and/or seated yoga classes at the library. Handouts with pertinent topics from Medline Plus will be shared at each class. Mental health, social isolation and community building will be addressed through multigenerational sing-alongs, further varied programming for social connection will be built around the interests of the community. A curated collection of books on healthy aging and memory for community lending will support our aging community and their caregivers. There is significant need for this outreach. This project will help older Vermonters who wish to remain engaged, current, active through the three programming initiatives; providing computer classes to help them connect to online health resources, movement classes to help their physical health and music outreach to help their mental health.

This program takes further inspiration from one offered at the Free Library of Philadelphia Senior Center:


Lead Organization: Georgia Public Library
Project Lead: jessica kilham
Project Lead: Bridget Stone


Age Group: Seniors (65+ yrs.)
Geographic Type: Rural
Issues & Interests: Behavioral/Social Determinants of Health, Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Populations
Roles of Participants Project is Intended to Serve: General Public

Award Details

Funding Source: Region 7
Project Category: Outreach
Period of Performance: May 1, 2023 - Apr 1, 2024
Project Status: Awarded

Project Funding

Federal Fiscal Year 2023: $16,185