Subaward Project

Southwest Community Engagement Ambassador Project

The Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center at the University of New Mexico (HSLIC) seeks to develop intentional, culturally relevant strategies for successful engagement outreach with diverse, underserved populations. These efforts will be informed by [1] a review of academic health sciences libraries’ experiences in community engagement with underserved populations; and, [2] an exploration of past community engagement projects conducted by UNM HSLIC. We will collaborate with NNLM Region 4 continuously as we identify community partners throughout New Mexico. We plan to facilitate through appropriate communication new connections between Region 4 and these stakeholders.

This project can potentially be continued into a second phase with further partnership with key stakeholder groups, including in-depth needs assessment and development of specific strategic opportunities for engagement between NNLM Region 4, HSLIC, and New Mexico’s underserved populations.


Project Lead: Melissa Rethlefsen


Sexual & Gender Minorities: Women
Geographic Type: Medically Underserved Areas/Populations, Rural
Race & Ethnicity: Alaska Natives, American Indians, Hispanics/Latin Americans

Award Details

Funding Source: Region 4
Project Category: Outreach
Period of Performance: Jan 1, 2022 - Apr 30, 2022
Project Status: Completed

Project Funding