Subaward Project

NNLM AoU Community Award: Improving Digital and Health Literacy among Rural Seniors

The goal is to improve digital and health literacy for rural seniors through health literacy classes, interactive digital literacy sessions, one-on-one digital literacy support, and increased social activities. In addition, we hope to decrease social isolation through increased digital literacy resulting in a reduction of health risks associated. The intended audience for DPL’s Increasing Health and Digital Literacy project will be rural seniors aged 65 and older accessing services through Wise County Committee on Aging, although the program would be open to any senior residing in Wise County. A particular focus will be placed on recruiting seniors with limited transportation and significant physical isolation.

Major activities will include monthly health literacy classes, monthly digital literacy sessions, one-on-one digital literacy support, and social activities that incorporate use of digital devices and technology. Decatur Public Library will work alongside partners to coordinate health literacy activities to increase access to trustworthy online health information, increase discernment of reliable health information sources, and increase confidence in using telehealth services. Digital literacy classes will increase understanding of devices and increase internet skills. Appointment-based, one-on-one digital support will assist seniors with specific technology questions and needs. Technology based social activities will provide opportunity to practice skills while decreasing isolation.


Lead Organization: Decatur Public Library
Project Lead: Alicia McElroy


Award Details

Funding Source: AoU - CEC
Project Category: Outreach
Period of Performance: Nov 1, 2022 - Apr 30, 2023
Project Status: Completed

Project Funding