Subaward Project

MACMLA 2022 Annual Conference

The continuing education courses offered by the Professional Development Committee (PDC) of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Medical Library Association (MAC-MLA) Annual Meeting are often the main way that many members develop professional skills and knowledge, because they are affordable and directly applicable to the work of health sciences librarians. Course topics are currently under consideration, but based on a recent survey of MAC members the PDC plans to offer 4 different courses potentially focused on scoping reviews, leadership, library instruction, and bibliometrics/research impact. These courses will support the following objectives:

==Enhance knowledge of different types of evidence reviews, including systematic, scoping and other review types
==Build professional skills and knowledge of leadership, particularly focusing on middle management
==Develop the ability to provide engaging, interactive teaching 
==Further knowledge of bibliometrics and skills to demonstrate research impact

Attendees will apply knowledge gained in these courses to improve services and expertise in working with patrons at their own libraries. These courses also provide Medical Library Association continuing education credits, which can be applied towards Academy of Health Information Professional credentialing.




Project Lead: Katherine Downton


Award Details

Funding Source: Region 1
Project Category: Professional Development
Project Status: Completed

Project Funding

Federal Fiscal Year 2023: $6,000