Subaward Project
Collection Equity: Stamford Public Library
The population of Stamford is diverse in terms of their language, background, and educational level. According to the latest census, Stamford is the second-largest city in Connecticut, with a population of 135,470 as of 2020. The 2020 census also shows that 57.38% of Stamford residents speak only English, while 42.62% speak other languages. 23.40% of the population speak Spanish. As a public library, our mission is to provide free and equitable access to materials.
Early last year, we participated in a health equity and racial justice training program where we learned about initiatives, activities, and programs that promote health education.
We purchased consumer health books in multiple languages and formats. The collection equity award provide money to add more materials and resources in languages other than English.
We will work with local health agencies to provide information sessions and promote our health collections