The HSCL will host five events and three ongoing activities associated with this exhibit. One external speaker a 127 of nursing will be brought to campus to speak on the history of the nursing profession its role in society. Two events will feature panels of UF faculty and local practitioners: one focused on the nursing in wartime/military nursing, and one focused on popular depictions of nursing in media. During finals which will take place at the same time as the exhibit, a postcard writing/coloring event will be held as a wellness activity for students that incorporates materials from the NLMs historical collections. The exhibit will rotate locations during its time in Gainesville, and when it is relocated to the CONs physical space, an opening reception will be held celebrating the exhibit. A local exhibit is being developed on local nursing history to be displayed in the librarys exhibit cases simultaneously with the travelling exhibit. A one-credit undergraduate honors course on mid-century perceptions of community nurses is scheduled for the same semester on the exhibit, and will incorporate exhibit events into the curriculum.
Project Details
University of Florida - Health Science Center Libraries
Maggie Ansell