The proposed project aims to promote wellness in the Show Low, Arizona, area by providing resources for healthy cooking, exercise classes, hands-on classes, and forming a 'Healthy Living' club. The Show Low Public Library will make available for check-out a variety of kitchen equipment needed to encourage healthy cooking. Objectives include developing a Healthy Living Club for families and young 86. This club will provide information on how to be more active, healthy recipes that are kid-friendly, and exercise opportunities. Staff will create a special Healthy Living Section in the Show Low Public Library that offers information resources, kitchen equipment, and other wellness supplies for check-out. The goal is to have a well-attended Healthy Living Club and for families to become supports for each other. Outcomes will also focus on direct interaction with young families to evaluate changes in eating and exercise habits. REMARKS: Specific goals include: 1. To make available information regarding cooking healthy, inexpensive meals in one place. 2. To make available the necessary kitchen equipment to prepare these meals. 3. To provide free classes in which parents can learn about healthy living using National Library of Medicine NLM information resources. 4. To provide a support group in the form of a 'club' so that parents can encourage each other.
Project Details
Show Low Public Library