Staff Bio

Katie Pierce Farrier

Data Science Strategist, Region 3

Classes I Teach

Event Title Summary
R3 and R6 Carpentries for LIS February 2024 This workshop is focused on Data Carpentries. The curriculum will include:
• Data organization in spreadsheets
• Data cleaning with OpenRefine
• Data visualization with R
Region 3 Library Carpentries November Session Region 3 is excited to announce we will be hosting a free online session of Library Carpentry in November 2023.
Telehealth 101: What libraries need to know (June 10 - July 8, 2024) This class introduces telehealth, why it’s important, and how it enables people to have greater access to quality healthcare. Explore how different libraries provided patrons in their communities with access to telehealth services.
The NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy for non-data librarians The NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy went into effect early last year. That means that the policy that so many medical data librarians have been talking about is finally in place and affecting researchers. Any organization that receives research grant funds from the National Institutes of Health will need to add a new “Data Management and Sharing Plan” to grant proposals, and then follow that plan. Libraries are being mentioned by many organizations as the place to find expertise and support for this new data policy. If you have heard of the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy but are unsure what it is, yet still may want to inform researchers how to apply it, then this session is for you!

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